2021 Bible Study Schedule

Join us ONLINE for
Prayer/Bible Study
at Shores Baptist Worship Center in Ocala, Florida
Wednesday evenings
at 6:30 p.m




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TEACHER: Minister Arletia Mayfield
TOPIC: Building a Home for God
SCRIPTURE:  Proverbs 24:3-4 NKJV  Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches.
Week 1 (Jan. 6) – Wisdom

Week 2 (Jan. 13) – Understanding
Week 3 (Jan. 20) – Knowledge
Week 4 (Jan. 27)- Truth


TEACHER: Sister Alice Reid
TOPIC: The Undiluted Love of God
SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:10
Week 1 (Feb. 3) – Knowing what Love is

Week 2 (Feb. 10) – The Characteristics of Love
Week 3 (Feb. 17) – Loving: The way God wants us to.   Week 4 (Feb. 24)- The benefits of Loving God, Loving Yourself, and Loving others


TEACHER: Lady Melissa Garner
TOPIC: Recognizing the Season You’re In
SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 3:1
Week 1 (Mar. 3) – Recognizing the Seasons You’re in
Week 2 (Mar. 10) – The Waiting Season
Week 3 (Mar. 17) – The Growing Season
Week 4 (Mar. 24) – The Test and Trials Season
Week 5 (Mar 31) – The Spiritual Warfare Season


TEACHER: Evangelist Franklin Mayfield
TOPIC:  Evangelism Tools for Soul Winning
SCRIPTURE:  Isaiah 52:7, Romans 10:15
Week 1: (April 7) – The Great Commission

Week 2: (April 14) – Evangelism Tools, Pt. 2
Week 3: (April 21) – The Simple Gospel
Week 4: (April 28) – Bible Study Gotchas, Watch Out, Don’t Do This, and Be Careful


TEACHER: Minister Arletia Mayfield
TOPIC: Models of Discipleship
SCRIPTURES: Hebrews 3: 12-14 NKJV – Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God;  but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.  For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end,

Week 1 (May 5) – Model of Discipleship – John the Baptist
Week 2 (May 12) – Model of Discipleship – Jesus, the Christ
Week 3 (May 19) – Model of Discipleship – Paul, the Apostle
Week 4 (May 26) – Model of Discipleship – You, Today’s Disciple


TEACHER: Lady Melissa Garner
TOPIC: Glimpses of A Spirit Filled Life
SCRIPTURE: Galatians 5:22-23
WEEK 1 (June 2) – Choose To Walk In The Spirit
WEEK 2 (June 9) – How To Love and Be Loved
WEEK 3  (June 16) – Joy Is an Inside Job
WEEK 4 – (June 23) – You Can Have Peace
WEEK 5 – (June 30) – What Does It Mean To Be Faithful?


TEACHER: Minister Ken Reid
TOPIC: Will You Answer The Call
Week 1 (Aug. 4) – Called to Labor
Week 2- (Aug. 11) – Called to Be Fruitful
Week 3- (Aug. 18) – Called to Be Humble
Week 4- (Aug. 25) – Called to be a Disciple


TEACHER: Minister Arletia Mayfield
TOPIC: The Harvest
SCRIPTURE:  2 Corinthians 9:10 NKJV – Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness,
Week 1 – (Sept. 1) The Seed

Week 2 (Sept. 8) – The Soil
Week 3 (Sept. 15) – The Nurturing
Week 4 (Sept. 22)- The Threshing
Week 5 (Sept. 29) – The Great Harvest


TEACHER:  Sister Alice Reid
TOPIC : Peace Like No Other
SCRIPTURE: John 14:27
Week 1 (Oct. 6) – What Is Peace
Week 2 (Oct. 13) – How to Experience Perfect Peace
Week 3 (Oct. 20) – Holding onto Perfect Peace
Week 3 (Oct. 27) – Telling Other How to Have Perfect Peace


TEACHER: Lady Melissa Garner
TOPIC:  The Names of Jesus
Week 1 (Nov. 3) The Power of Jesus’ Name (Celebrityship of Jesus)
Week 2 ( Nov. 10) The Power of Jesus’ Names – Immanuel
Week 3 (Nov. 17) The Power of Jesus’ Names – Alpha and Omega
Week 4 (Nov. 24) The Power of Jesus’ Names – King


TEACHER: Lady Melissa Garner
TOPIC:  The Names of Jesus
Week 1 (Dec. 3) The Power of Jesus’ Names – Alpha and Omega
Week 2 (Dec. 8) The Power of Jesus’ Names – Lamb of God