Here’s what’s happening at Shores Baptist Worship Center this month.
April Birthdays & Anniversaries
Happy Birthday to all of our members and friends who are born during this wonderful month. And Happy Anniversary to all celebrating this month. We pray God’s continued blessings and happiness on your life. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to you all!
Christian Education
Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 for our Sunday biblical teaching in the sanctuary for all ages. This month, we are continuing our study of “The Book of Hebrews” by Pastor Derwin Gray.
Tuesday Bible study is offered at 11:00am and 6:00pm. This month we are learning about the book “Romans”. We’ve reserved a seat just for you.
Youth Ministry
SBWC’s Youth ministry meets every Tuesday evening at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall with sis Alice Reid. This month’s scripture and activities will focus on Jeremiah 29:11. We encourage you to come out as a family to learn more about Gods plan for us.
Friday Night Live (FNL)
Beginning Friday, April 12th, at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall, we will gather for a family-friendly, fun-filled evening of fellowship, worship, and God’s Word. The evening is designed for all ages. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the best worship, the best word, and the best fellowship. And remember, Friday Night Live is scheduled for every second Friday of the month.
Senior Social
Staying socially active is important for all adults. It can improve our emotional, intellectual, and physical wellness.
The senior adult ministry meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 11am to 2pm, which will be on April 17th. So please mark your calendars so that you can take part in some great activities and fellowship.
WOW Ministry
The Women of Worth ministry meets on the third Saturday of each month. Women’s ministry is a place where women can devote themselves to God’s word, where they can find fellowship, break bread, and they can pray. So mark your calendars for April 20th at 11:00. All ladies, 18 and up, are invited to attend.
So you know! Our WOW ministry beginners knitting class meets every Tuesday at 12:00. There’s still room for more.
Men of Vision Men’s Ministry
Jeremiah 29:11says, “for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future”. SBWC’s Men’s Ministry will meet the 4th Monday of each month. So men, please save the date of April 22nd at 6:00 PM. Please come out and join in an evening of faith, encouragement, and fellowship where men talk and discover God’s viewpoint and vision. All men are welcome!
Married Couples Ministry
The SBWC Marriage Ministry is hosting a Date Night for married couples at Pasta Faire Restaurant in Belleview on Friday, April 26, 2024, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Information and sign-up are located in the foyer. Please RSVP for this event by Sunday, April 14th. There are other activities planned throughout the year, including a breakfast in August and a day of fun and lunch in October. Watch for announcements or visit SBW.Center for updates. This ministry is for SBWC couples only. For more information, please see Minister Franklin Mayfield.
SBWC 50th Church Anniversary
There is a commemorative booklet in the works for our 50th church anniversary. We invite you all to be sponsors by purchasing an advertisement. This is also a wonderful opportunity to involve your employers, colleagues, family, and friends in our celebration by inviting them to be sponsors too. Details and sponsorship letters are available in the foyer. Orders can be placed easily online at our website, That’s
Take as many letters as you need to share, and don’t forget to follow up with those you invite. Space is limited, so we encourage early submissions. Please don’t wait to secure your space. We look forward to your participation and support as we prepare for this very special occasion.
Tithe & Offering
Did you know that financial struggles don’t free us from God’s command to give generously and joyfully. The Lord calls us to generosity, not because he needs our resources, but because he desires the best for us. Generosity requires trust, not money. No one can live generously without trusting the Lord. A wealthy person can give vast amounts of money apart from Christ, but true generosity requires sacrificial giving in joyful submission to the Lord. For that, you must trust that God is a good Father who will provide for you and that you matter to Him.
2 Corinthians 9:7 gives us freedom in our generosity. God doesn’t want gifts motivated by a sense of duty or obligation. He wants us to give from a place of joy and compassion. God loves a cheerful giver! There are several ways to give your tithe and offering!
Online at, Text SBWC and the gift amount to 73256),
- Givelify App,
- church drop slot
- by mail to 414 Silver Road, Ocala, Florida 34472
Remember, God love a cheerful giver.
On behalf of Pastor Garner and our SBWC family, we pray that God will bless you mightily in all areas of your life. If you are without a church home and would like to unite with other believers in Jesus Christ, please know that we have a place right here for you.
And as a reminder, if you are watching via YouTube or Facebook, please help spread the gospel by subscribing to, liking, and sharing our videos with your friends and family.
Have a blessed day in the Lord!