We are so happy to have you worship with us at Shores Baptist Worship Center. February is a short month, and we are jam-packed with activities. It is also Black History Month, so take time to learn something every day about the African American contributions that have been made to this country. Now, I would like to tell you about some of the happenings this month.
February Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday to all of our members and friends who are blessed enough to be born during this beautiful month of love!
Happy anniversary to everyone celebrating this month. We pray for God’s continued blessings and happiness on these special occasions for many more years to come. Happy birthday and anniversary to you all!
Christian Education
Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. for our Sunday biblical teaching in the sanctuary for all ages. This month, we are continuing our study of “The Book of 1 Corinthians” by Jennie Allen.
Tuesday Bible study is offered at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. This month, we invite you to come and learn about the book of “Exodus.” Exodus explores the foundational story of the Israelites and reveals an all-powerful, intimately personal God. And it helps us understand God’s redemptive plan for all humanity. We’ve reserved a seat just for you.
The New Members class (Part 1) will continue this month on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. for the next three weeks.
Parents, this is a reminder that the youth ministry, which includes our high schoolers, meets every Tuesday evening at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall with Sister Alice Reid. We encourage you to come out as a family to learn more about God’s plan for us.
Soup-er Bowl / Game Night
SBWC family and friends, please remember to mark your calendars for Saturday, February 10th, at 3:00 p.m. We will hold our first annual soup competition. I am still looking for four (4) more participants to sign up with your award-winning soup recipe for the competition!
Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers. Wear your favorite team jersey or colors, bring your board games, and let’s have some fun. Remember, Saturday, February 10th at 3:00pm

Heart Heath Month
The National Heart Association is promoting awareness about heart health and inspiring people to prevent heart disease. This year’s theme is “Listen to your hearts, raise your voice, and protect your health.”. This emphasizes the importance of people working together to make healthy lifestyle changes.
To bring greater attention to heart disease as the leading cause of death in the U.S., SBWC’s Wear Red Day will be Sunday, February 11th, which is next Sunday. Let’s all “go red!”!
Women’s Ministry
The women’s ministry will meet on Saturday, February 17th, at 11:00am in the Fellowship Hall. This ministry is called to encourage and equip our women to develop Christ-centered relationships, study God’s word, and train others to do the same. All ladies 18 and up are invited to attend.
Senior Social
Staying socially active is important for all adults. It can improve our emotional, intellectual, and physical wellness.
The senior adult ministry meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., which will be on February 21st. So please mark your calendars so that you can take part in some great activities and fellowship.
Ethnic Pride Sunday
In honor of Black History Month, Sunday, February 25th, is Ethnic Pride dress day. This is a time to show up at your African best.
Tithe & Offering
2 Corinthians Chapter 9 verse 11 says you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through your generosity will result in Thanksgiving to God.
We want you to understand how important it is for you to fulfill your spiritual obligation as a believer to tithe.
There are several ways to give your tithe and offering.
- Online at sbw.center
- Text SBWC and the gift amount to 73256
- Givelify App
- the church drop slot
- or by mail to: 414 Silver Road 34472.
Remember, God love a cheerful giver.
Can Good Collection Campaign
This is your weekly reminder about our can goods collection for the next 12 months. Our goal is to collect 6000 can goods between now and November 30, 2024.
That concludes this week’s announcements.
On behalf of Pastor Garner and the SBWC family, we would like to thank you for worshipping with us.
As a reminder, if you watch via YouTube or Facebook, please help spread the gospel by subscribing to, liking, and sharing our web site with your friends and family.
Have a blessed day in the Lord!