February 2025 Announcements

Welcome to Shores Baptist Worship Center. We are so happy to have you worshiping with us today, those of you who are in person and those online. I would like to take just a moment to highlight some of the events happening this month.

February’s Birthdays & Anniversaries

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all of our members and friends who are celebrating during this month of love. We pray God’s continued blessings and happiness on these special occasions for many more years to come.

Happy birthday and happy anniversary to you all!

Christian Education

Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:30am for our Sunday Biblical teaching in the sanctuary for all adults. Our teaching this month is “Bible Basics.”.

Our weekday biblical teaching is held every Tuesday at 11:00am and 6:00pm. 

Teaching young people how to grow in their relationship with Christ and thrive in their daily walk will help them to mature and become adults who are confident in their faith. Sunday school for ages 8-13 is held at 9:30am in the Educational Building.

Parents, our SBWC Youth ministry is in session every Tuesday at 6:00pm. Please contact Sister Alice Reid for more information.

Heart Health Fair

The National Heart Association is promoting awareness about heart health and inspiring people to prevent heart disease. This year SBWC will host a Health Fair and a Blood Drive on Saturday, February 8, from 9:00am to 1:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Come get your blood pressure checked, hear about good nutrition, learn the benefits of juicing and how to prevent heart disease, and have some light snacks. So, pick up a flyer in the foyer, mark your calendars, and invite your friends.

To bring greater attention to heart disease as the leading cause of death in the U.S., SBWC’s wear Red Day will be Sunday, February 9th. Let’s all “Go Red”!

Women’s Ministry

The Women’s ministry will meet on Saturday, February 15th at 11:00am in the Fellowship Hall. This ministry is called to encourage and equip our women to develop Christ-centered relationships, study God’s word, and train others to do the same. All ladies 18 and up are invited to attend.

Senior Social

Being socially involved and active gives people a sense of belonging that provides added health benefits.

The senior adult ministry meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 11am to 2pm, which will be on February 19th. So please mark your calendars so that you can participate in some great activities and fellowship.

Ethnic Pride Sunday

In honor of Black History Month, Sunday, February 23rd is Ethnic Pride Dress Day. This is a time to show up in your ethnic best.

Men’s Ministry

SBWC’s Men’s Ministry meets the 4th Monday of each month. So men, please save the date of February 24th at 6:00 PM. Please come out and join in an evening of faith, encouragement, and fellowship. All men are welcome!

Tithe & Offering

2 Corinthians 9:11 says you will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

There are several ways to give:

  1.  SBWC mobile App,
  2. the church drop slot or
  3. by mail to 414 Silver Road 34472.

Remember, God loves a cheerful giver.

That concludes this week’s announcements.

If you are watching via YouTube or Facebook, please help spread the gospel by subscribing to, liking, and sharing this video with your friends and family.

Now let’s prepare our hearts to hear from God. Have a blessed day in the Lord!