May 2024 Announcements

Wow, can you believe we are approaching the end of another school year? Time really flies when you’re having fun. Now, I would like to take just a moment to tell you about this week’s announcements.

May Birthdays & Anniversaries 
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all of our members and friends who are celebrating this month. On behalf of Pastor Garner, we pray that God will make sure that there is never a shortage of love and care in your life. May this birthday or Anniversary be the most memorable day in your life! Happy birthday and happy anniversary to you!

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to you all!

Christian Education
Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:30am for our Sunday Biblical teaching in the sanctuary for all ages. This month we begin our study of “The Book of 2nd Corinthians” by Rich Villodas. Authentic Christianity has never been about how put together we seem to be. It’s always been about how God works powerfully through our shortcomings to accomplish his purpose for us. In this eight-week series, Pastor Rich Villodas describes how opening ourselves up in genuine relationships with others invite the power of Jesus to shine through our weakness.

Tuesday Bible study is offered at 11:00am and 6:00pm. We are continuing our study of the book “Romans”.  We’ve reserved a seat just for you.

Youth Ministry 

SBWC’s Youth ministry meets every Tuesday evening at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall with sis Alice Reid. This month’s scripture and activities will focus on Psalm 145:18 in Learning How to get closer to God. We encourage you to come out as a family to learn more about Gods plan for us.

Volcano Bay Day Trip
Attention! Shores Baptist is planning a trip for the congregation to the water park, Volcano Bay, on Friday, June 7th, in Orlando, FL. The cost for all adults is $95.00, which includes the cost of the bus. If you think you may be interested in going on this trip with us, kindly sign up on the signup sheet located in the foyer no later than today!! Remember, all are invited to go. Again. we need all persons to sign up no later than today.

Mother’s Day 
Mothers are special because they are always there when needed, and they are willing to let go even when it hurts. Mothers are special because they care enough to say no when needed. Mothers are special because they always welcome you with an open heart and open arms, and they love unconditionally. Isaiah 66:13 says, “For this is what the Lord says, as a mother comforts her son, so I will comfort you”. Please mark your calendars for May 11th; which just happens to be Mother’s Day, the 2nd Sunday in May. Invite your family and friends to come Worship with you.

Senior Social 
Staying socially active is important for all adults. It can improve our emotional, intellectual, and physical wellness.

The senior adult ministry meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 11am to 2pm, which will be on May15th. So please mark your calendars so that you can take part in some great activities and fellowship.

Women of Worth Ministry

Isaiah 25:4 (NIV), says “You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat”.

Our next WOW fellowship is scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Our theme is “Pink Rain.” The goal for the conference is to empower, uplift, and let all women know they can give their burdens to God, as we learn to Focus on the shelter of God’s love and care for us from the “rain” of the storms in our lives,

So mark your calendars for Saturday, May 18th at 10:00am to embrace being the Women of Worth that God has created us to be. Remember this is a bilingual  event and is for all ladies ages fourteen and up.

Friday Night Live (FNL) 
Due to some scheduling conflicts, this month Friday Night Live will move to May 24th at 6:30pm in the Main Sanctuary, we will gather for a family-friendly, fun-filled evening of fellowship, worship, and God’s Word. The evening is designed for all ages.  Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the best worship, the best word, and the best fellowship. This month, we ask that you come out in support of our Youth Department. And remember, Friday Night Live is scheduled for every second Friday of the month.

Men of Vision Men’s Ministry
SBWC’s Men’s Ministry meets the 4th Monday of each month. So men, please save the date of  May 27 at 6:00 PM. Please come out and join in  an evening of faith, encouragement, and fellowship where men talk and discover God’s viewpoint and vision. All men are welcome!

SBWC 50th Church Anniversary   
There is a commemorative booklet in the works for our 50th church anniversary. We invite you all to be sponsors by purchasing an advertisement. This is also a wonderful opportunity to involve your employers, colleagues, family, and friends in our celebration by inviting them to be sponsors too. Details and sponsorship letters are available in the foyer. Orders can be placed easily online at our website, CLICK HERE

Take as many letters as you need to share, and don’t forget to follow up with those you invite. Space is limited, so we encourage early submissions.  Please don’t wait to secure your space. We look forward to your participation and support as we prepare for this very special occasion.

Tithe & Offering

Matthew 6:19-21 says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

When the Bible talks about it being more blessed to give than receive, I couldn’t agree more. From thinking about the person and picking out the item to wrapping it and finally seeing the person’s reaction when they open it, the whole process is energizing for me and it helps me prioritize what is important.


Our hearts change – When giving to God’s Kingdom becomes a priority, something amazing happens—our hearts begin to change. The importance of this world begins to lessen as we raise our gaze to see what God is doing and invest in it.

We do something God loves – God loves it when we give cheerfully to His purposes. It is an act of trust and obedience that shows what our hearts treasure… and that blesses God.

We get to join God in what He’s doing – “Look for where God is at work and join Him in it.” When giving to God’s kingdom becomes a priority, this is a tangible opportunity to do just that.

There are several ways to give your tithe and offering!

  1. Online at,
  2. Text SBWC and the gift amount to 73256),
  3. Givelify App,
  4. the church drop slot
  5. or by mail to:  414 Silver Road, 34472. Remember, God love a cheerful giver.

On behalf of Pastor Garner and our SBWC family, we pray that God will bless you mightily in all areas of your life. Please know that if you are without a church home and would like to be united with other believers in Jesus Christ, we have a place right here for you.

And as a little reminder, if you are watching via YouTube or Facebook, please help spread the gospel by subscribing to, liking, and sharing this video with your friends and family.

Have a blessed day in the Lord!


Why did God put us together?

Most couples never think about that question. Normally, we think about ourselves. Am I happy? Does she/he make me happy, fulfil me? Why can’t he/she be like A. B or C?

But we should remember “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” – Mark 9:10

And since God has joined us, lets ask Him why, if we do not know. He does.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
— Jer 29:11

God has good plans for your marriage.

Don’t Quit!

Being married, is a job we chose not to quit from, we made a covenant to each other, more importantly to God, who is the 3rd strand in our marriage that binds us keep us together. PRAISE THE LORD for favor, grace and mercy.
— Shelley Goodas

Speak Life over you Mate

Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. — Proverbs 19:21
Speak Life over you mate. Not death. How do you speak life? To yourself and to them, say what they are doing well. Say the fruit of patience is growing in my mate towards me.
Speak healing to their body. That my wife will “do me good and not evil all the days of her life.” – Proverbs 31:12. That my husband loves me with the Love of Jesus and His love too. Mixing the word of God with your words of Life encourages your faith, and adds power to your words.
Complaints, accusations, and fear opens the door of access to the enemy.
Which fruit do you want in your marriage? You have ½ of the responsibility. Your mate the other half. But praise God for Grace! And imagine life with words of encouragement, instead of discouragement being the normal form of communication in your marriage. Speak Life!

The 4 Laws of Marriage

The 4 Laws of Marriage, as outlined by Jimmy Evans of MarriageToday, are from Genesis 2:23-25 —
And Adam said:
“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man.”
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
1. The Law of Priority: This law states that a spouse’s relationship with their spouse must take precedence over all other relationships. This includes relationships with children, parents, friends, and coworkers. Evans emphasizes that in order for a marriage to thrive, both spouses must prioritize each other above all others (Evans, 2019).

2. The Law of Pursuit: According to this law, spouses must actively pursue and invest in their relationship with each other. This involves regularly spending quality time together, communicating effectively, and showing love and affection towards one another. Evans explains that marriage requires intentional effort and attention in order to flourish (Evans, 2019).

3. The Law of Possession (Unity): The Law of Possession states that spouses must share everything. There are no private possessions. Dominance is the opposite of sharing. Independence is counter productive to sharing. Marriage is about interdependence, not independence. Marriage is about sharing life together. (Evans, 2019).

4. The Law of Purity: This law emphasizes the importance of maintaining emotional, physical, and mental purity within the marriage. It involves being faithful, honest, and loyal to one’s spouse, as well as guarding against negative influences that could harm the relationship. Evans stresses the significance of maintaining purity in order to build a strong and lasting marriage (Evans, 2019).

Evans, J. (2019). The Four Laws of Love, Part 1. MarriageToday.

Unity, Forgiveness – Always under attack in Marriage

Why is it that Unity in marriage is always under attack? That both of “us” are constantly pulled either in different directions, that when discussing something important a “wild card” jumps into the discussion, “oh remembers you still did not do ABC!”, that breaks the flow, and distracts, or breaks the unity.
That past “forgiven” issues, arise again, causing new disagreements, hurts, and requiring forgiveness again and again. That old hurts, or new ones linger.
We think it is us, or “him/her” that is the root of these problems. But we forget about the “accuser of the brethren”. His assignment is not just to accuse us before God. And praise God we have an advocate, Jesus the Anointed One, who ever lives to make intercession for us. But the accuser is also accusing us, to our friends, leaders, and most importantly to our spouse. Why?
Because the enemy, like any military enemy; only respects power and authority. His goal is to remove both from our marriage, and us both individually.
We have been given the Power of the Holy Spirit, Authority to use the Name of Jesus. Promises that God will hear us…,
“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”— Mat 18:19-20
Are we gathered in His name if we are gathered in an argument, No. Can we pray effectively if we are not forgiving our mate, No. For that matter if we are in “unforgiveness” our prayers are hindered. “Forgive and you shall be forgiven”
“You husbands likewise, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with a weaker vessel, since she is a woman; and grant her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.” — 1 Peter 3:7-9
Husbands, are the focus in this verse, if they do not “honor” or respect their wives, but wives are also given a command to respect their husbands. And if we are all equal in Christ, then a wife disrespecting her husband, prayers would be hindered as well.
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” – Gal 3:28
Why is the enemy attacking our unity, encouraging division, and bringing up old hurts to cause unforgiveness? Is it to break up our marriage? Yes, but that is not the first goal. His first goal it to remove our ability to access God in prayer. (forgiveness), to remove our ability to call down God’s power into our situation or others (no unity, no 2 agreeing in prayer). To stop us from walking together in the purpose and plan of God for our marriage. And to stop our faith from operating.
Why? It is our shield, the shield of Faith, “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” – Eph 6:16.
No shield, now his other attacks will work.
No effective prayer, no unity, then you have no defense. No power.
And our weapon is the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God administered by the Holy Spirit. But how can we use the sword, if we are resisting the Holy Spirit, by auguring with our spouse.
Grace, repentance, forgiveness. And stop wrestling flesh and blood. Eph 6:12
We must recognize our mate is NOT the enemy, the enemy is standing by, to keep division active.
We must actively pursue the one of the 4 laws of marriage. Unity. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” – that Law of Marriage is hidden in this verse. Notice the action words. “Leave, Cleave, shall be one…”
We must do the actions of unity, forgiveness, the actions of united prayer, and purpose. We must recognize the “enemies” quick whispers to our minds, when we are already “fleshly” disputing with our mate. And not throw his gasoline into our small fire. Or BOOM! We have a real fire now!
Grace and Unity. Love and Peace. Faith, Hope and Love. These should be the environment of our marriages we thrive for everyday.
Minister Franklin (heard this In the spirit today, for our marriages)