October Birthdays & Anniversaries
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all of our members and friends who
are celebrating this month. May the light of the Lord shine upon you and grant you much happiness on this special occasion for many more years to come. Happy birthday and anniversary to you all!
Gifts of Grace (Missions Donation)
Sister Marisel Santana and our Youth Sunday School Leadership Academy is spearheading a Christmas toy campaign for “Destine to Thrive” African Ministry; which will provide toys to seventy children. They are asking for a donation of $20 to $25 dollars towards the gifts. Also if you would like to purchase a gift for a child the box is in the church foyer. Please see sister Marisel for more information about this missionary event.
Christian Education
As a reminder, please join us online for our weekly biblical teachings. Youth Sunday School can be accessed via zoom at 9:30am. Adult Sunday School classes are live streamed on Facebook, sbw.center, and YouTube. And Midweek Bible Study is live streamed every Wednesday at 6:30pm. This month we will teaching “Peace Like No Other”.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Please mark your calendars for November 25, 2021. Shores Baptist will be giving out 100 thanksgiving meals again this year on Thanksgiving day from 1:00 to 3:00pm. Sign-up forms are located in the foyer and on the web page at SBW.center. All forms must be submitted by Sunday, November 14, 2021, for planning.
Tithe & Offering
God knows the power of a gift. He wanted every gift to be given from one’s own heart so that when the blessings come, we understand how God worked through our gift to prosper our wellbeing.
“for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Luke 12:34)
You have a moment of opportunity to be blessed through your giving and to let God know what you treasure most. There are several ways to give:
- Online at sbw.center,
- Text Giving (SBWC and the gift amount to 73256),
- Givelify App,
- Church drop slot
- Mail (SBWC, 414 Silver Road, Ocala, FL 34472)
Last but certainly not least
Pastor Appreciation Month
October has long been recognized worldwide as Pastor Appreciation Month. The call to honor our church leaders’ contributions can be traced back to the Apostle Paul. In establishing the first Christian churches, Paul advised the congregation in (1 Timothy 5:17) to give “double honor” to the elders of the church who managed the affairs of the church well, “especially those whose work is preaching and teaching”.
So, when we consider all that our Pastor does for us, it becomes clear how important it is to celebrate and uplift him.
This concludes October 2021 Announcements.