April 2022 Announcements

April Birthdays & Anniversaries

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all of our members and friends who are celebrating this month. I pray that God will shine his love upon you and grant you much happiness and remind you daily of the love that He has for you. Happy birthday and happy anniversary to you!

Bilingual Services

Just a reminder that Shores Baptist’s Bilingual Service is the 1st Sunday of every month at 2:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. We ask that you come out and help support this Ministry. So spread the word so that others can join us in this worship experience. We look forward to seeing you. Nosotros esperamos verte.

Christian Education

As a reminder, please join us online for our weekly biblical teachings.

The Youth Sunday school can be accessed via zoom at 9:30am. Adult Sunday school classes are live streamed on Facebook, sbw.center, and YouTube.

Now, more than ever before is the time to get a better understanding of God’s word. If you are new to studying the bible or if you’re seasoned, we have a word for you. Our midweek bible study is at your fingertips live streamed every Wednesday at 6:30pm.

This month we are continuing our teaching on “Faith.” So log on this week to receive spiritual truths that will strengthen your life.

Please note: Beginning in August, Shores Baptist will resume in-person Sunday School and our Mid-week service.

Easter Service

Easter is April 17th (3rd Sunday). Please note that morning worship will begin at 10:00 am. Again, Easter Sunday service will begin here at Shores Baptist at 10:00am!

Easter Sunday is also our “Great Day of Giving”! This is a time of sacrificial giving above your tithe. Special envelopes are available for this special offering. If you use one of our online giving platforms through Givelify or Realm, please be sure to choose the “Great Day of Giving” envelope. We are expecting an abundant blessing from God through your sacrifice.

Soul Winning Class

John 1 beginning at verse 40 teaches “One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith. unto him, We have found the Messias, .which is, being interpreted, the Christ. And he brought him to Jesus…

It is good to preach to great crowds the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But the simple truth is that many a lost sinner will never come to hear a sermon unless some Christian brings him, will not respond to the invitation unless some Christian encourages him to go forward and claim Christ, and would not know how to trust Christ and have the assurance of salvation if some personal worker did not show him from the Scriptures.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 7th and May 14th 10:00am for a Soul Winning Class that will be taught by Minister Franklin Mayfield.

Sick and Convalescing

Please remember to keep our members and friends who are in the hospitals, nursing homes and those who are just not feeling well in your thoughts and prayers. We are pray that they will seek God’s healing, pray the prayer of faith, and believe the He will rise them from their bed of affliction.

Tithe & Offering

You can sow your seed into this ministry five ways:

Online – at sbwc.center through Realm (just click give)

Or simply text sbwc to 73256 followed by your gift amount

The Givelify App

Via snail mail to Shores Baptist Worship Center,
414 Silver Road, Ocala FL 34472

Or if you are in the Ocala area, you can drop off your gift off in person.

Thank you so much for your giving!

2022 Bible Study Schedule

Lady Melissa Garner, Head of Education Ministry
Lady Melissa Garner is the Head of Christian Education at SBWC

Join us ONLINE for
Small Groups Bible Study
Shores Baptist Worship Center, Ocala, FL







Click the Topic to go directly to video

TEACHER: Evangelist Arletia Mayfield
TOPIC: The Faith to be Healed
SCRIPTURE:  John 14:12 NKJVMost assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 

Week 1 (1-5-22)  Healing is a Promise
Week 2 (1-12-22)  Activating your faith for Healing
Week 3 (1-19-22)  Healing Blockers
Week 4 (1-26-22)  The Just Shall live by Faith 


TEACHER:  Evangelist Franklin Mayfield
TOPIC: The Just Shall Live by Faith
Hebrews 10:38-39 NKJV

Now the just shall live by faith;
But if anyone draws back,
My soul has no pleasure in him.


Week 1 (2-2-22)   The Just shall live by Faith
Week 2 (2-9-22)  Trusting and Obeying by Faith
Week 3 (2-16-22)  Various Points of our Faith Walk
Week 4 (2-23-22)  Overcome and Die by Faith


TEACHER:  Sister Alice Reid
TOPIC: Faith
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:17

Week 1 (3-2-22)   Faith, what is it?
Week 2 (3-9-22 )  Is it hard to have faith in God?
Week 3 (3-16-22)  The benefits of having faith in God.
Week 4 (3-23-22 ) – Growing your faith.



TEACHER:  Evangelist Arletia Mayfield
TOPIC: The Father of our Faith – Abraham
As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. Genesis 17:4

Week 1 (4-6-22)   Answering the Call by faith
Week 2 (4-13-22)  Receiving the Covenant by faith
Week 3 (4-20-22)  Following God by Faith
Week 4 (4-27-22)  Being Heirs to the Promise by faith


TEACHER:  Minister Ken Reid

Week 1 (5-4-22) The Faith of Jabez
Week 2 (5-11-22) The Faith of David
Week 3 (5-18-22) The Faith of Jairus
Week 4 (5-25-22) The Faith of Samson


TEACHER:   Lady Melissa Garner
THEME: Building a Strong Faith that Endures

Week 1 (6-1-22) – Living By Faith
Week 2: (6-8-22) – Enoch, A man who Walked with God
Week 3 (6-15-22) – Noah, A Man who worked for God
Week 4 (6.22.22) – Abraham, A Man Who Willingly Followed God
Week 5: (6.29.22) – Rahab, A Woman Who Pleased God



March 2022 W.O.W. Event

It is so good to have this opportunity to reach out to you to tell you about our next scheduled WOW event. The title is Chat & Chew and it is scheduled for Saturday, March 26, 2022at Shores Baptist Worship Center from 10:00am – 2:00pm.

The month of February was Mental Health Month and the Lord placed on my heart a few subjects that tend to weigh us down and are important to talk about. Those subjects are: Trust, Anxiety, and Depression; which at sometime in all of our lives we will or have experienced at least one of them. That’s the Chat!, then there’s the Chew; which is a delicious lunch.
You are welcome to join us.  I promise you that we will have a great time together.

Women of Worth is the Women’s Ministry of SBWC.  We have women’s events every other month (except July).  Our events are FREE and you may register at the door, but it helps us to know how many women to prepare for, so please use our Registration Form.    Thank you.


2022 Adult Sunday School

Lady Melissa Garner is the Head of Christian Education at SBWC

Join us ONLINE for
Adult Sunday School
NEW TIME! (Beginning August 2022)

Shores Baptist Worship Center in Ocala, Florida
Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.







Follow the Topic Link directly to messages

TEACHER:  Dr. Jewel Walker
1.23.22 Justice, Judges, and Priests ( Deut 16:18-10, 17:8-13) 
1.16.22 Justice and Fairness
1.9.22 Injustice and Hope


TEACHER:  Sister Sophia ford
2.6.22  Nathan Condemns David (2 Samuel 12-19)
2.13.22 Ezra and the Law” (Ezra 7:1-10)
2.20.22  Bildad Misspeaks God’s Justice (Job 8)
2.27.22  Job and the Just God (Job 42)


MARCH 2022
TEACHER:  Dr. Jewel Walker
3.6.22 Freed From Captivity ( Ezra 1:1-18, 11)
3.13.22  Free to Worship” (Ezra 6:1-12)
3.20.22 Free to Celebrate (Ezra 6:13 – 22)
3.27.22 Free because of the Lord


APRIL 2022
TEACHER:  Sister Sophia Ford
4.3.22 Triumphal Entry of the King (taught by Dr. Jewel Walker)
4.10.22 Passover with the King ( Matthew 26:17-30)
4.24.22 Freedom in The King (John 8:31-38)


MAY 2022
TEACHER:  Dr. Jewel Walker
5.1.22 Freedom From Sin” ( Romans 6:1-14)
5.8.22 Freedom For The Future
5.15.22 Freedom and the Law” ( Galatians 3)
5.22.22 Freedom, Love, and Faith” (Galatians 5:1-15)
5.29.22 The Fruit of Freedom

JUNE 2022
TEACHER:  Dr. Jewel Walker
6.5.22 Freed From Captivity (Ezra 1:1-8,11)
6.12.22 Free to Worship” ( Ezra 6:1-12)
6.26.22Free Because of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 8:1-11)



Jan 2022 – W.O.W. Women of Worth

Our January 2022 Women’s Ministry Event will be on Saturday, from 10am – 2pm.  Event includes a Prayer Walk based on the Fruit of the Spirit on the grounds of Shores Baptist Worship Center.  The event will also include interractive activities, inspirational speakers, lunch and more.  This is a bi-lingual event (English/Spanish).  Please join us.

Please fill out the registration form below.

Women of Worth is the Women’s Ministry of SBWC.  We have women’s events every other month (except July).  Please check our Events Section for dates and fill out the Pre-registration form.  Our events are FREE and you may register at the door, but it helps us to know how many women to prepare for.  Thank you.

W.O.W. Event Registration

October 2021 Announcements

October Birthdays & Anniversaries

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all of our members and friends who

are celebrating this month. May the light of the Lord shine upon you and grant you much happiness on this special occasion for many more years to come.   Happy birthday and anniversary  to you all!

Gifts of Grace (Missions Donation)

Sister Marisel Santana and our Youth Sunday School Leadership Academy is spearheading a Christmas toy campaign for “Destine to Thrive” African Ministry; which will provide toys to seventy children. They are asking for a donation of  $20 to $25 dollars towards the gifts. Also if you would like to purchase a gift for a child the box is in the church foyer. Please see sister Marisel for more information about this missionary event.

Christian Education

As a reminder, please join us online for our weekly biblical teachings.  Youth Sunday School can be accessed via zoom at 9:30am. Adult Sunday School classes are live streamed on Facebook, sbw.center, and YouTube. And Midweek Bible Study is live streamed every Wednesday at 6:30pm. This month we will teaching  “Peace Like No Other”.

Thanksgiving Dinner 

Please mark your calendars for November 25, 2021. Shores Baptist will be giving out 100 thanksgiving meals again this year on Thanksgiving day from 1:00 to 3:00pm. Sign-up forms are located in the foyer and on the web page at SBW.center. All forms must be submitted by Sunday, November 14, 2021, for planning.  

Tithe & Offering

God knows the power of a gift. He wanted every gift to be given from one’s own heart so that when the blessings come, we understand how God worked through our gift to prosper our wellbeing.

“for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Luke 12:34)

You have a moment of opportunity to be blessed through your giving and to let God know what you treasure most. There are several ways to give:

  • Online at sbw.center,
  • Text Giving (SBWC and the gift amount to 73256),
  • Givelify App,
  • Church drop slot
  • Mail (SBWC, 414 Silver Road, Ocala, FL 34472)

Last but certainly not least

Pastor Appreciation Month

October has long been recognized worldwide as Pastor Appreciation Month. The call to honor our church leaders’ contributions can be traced back to the Apostle Paul. In establishing the first Christian churches, Paul advised the congregation in (1 Timothy 5:17) to give “double honor” to the elders of the church who managed the affairs of the church well, “especially those whose work is preaching and teaching”.

So, when we consider all that our Pastor does for us, it becomes clear how important it is to celebrate and uplift him.

This concludes October 2021 Announcements.

Mother’s Day 2021 Drive In Church

In May, Drive In church will be the second Sunday (May 9th) instead of the third Sunday.  We will celebrate Mother’s Day.  Take this opportunity to invite the mother’s in your life for an outdoor worship experience they can enjoy from the comfort of your vehicle.  It’s a great way to set the tone for Mother’s Day!



Request Forms

Let us know how we can help you grow.

We encourage you to make your requests through our Forms links below.  You can also find these forms in the Categories Sidebar to the right or in the Header Menu under Contact Us.

You may use Request Forms for the following:

Prayer Requests

Wedding Application

Volunteer Sign Up

Salvation Form

Premarital/Marital Counseling

Praise Report

New Member Class Registration 

Membership Application / Update

Facility Request (Event)

Facility Rental Inquiry

Consultation Request

Booking (Speaker)

Baptism Form

Facility Rental Inquiry

2021 Bible Study Schedule

Join us ONLINE for
Prayer/Bible Study
at Shores Baptist Worship Center in Ocala, Florida
Wednesday evenings
at 6:30 p.m




Click the Topic to go directly to video

TEACHER: Minister Arletia Mayfield
TOPIC: Building a Home for God
SCRIPTURE:  Proverbs 24:3-4 NKJV  Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches.
Week 1 (Jan. 6) – Wisdom

Week 2 (Jan. 13) – Understanding
Week 3 (Jan. 20) – Knowledge
Week 4 (Jan. 27)- Truth


TEACHER: Sister Alice Reid
TOPIC: The Undiluted Love of God
SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4:10
Week 1 (Feb. 3) – Knowing what Love is

Week 2 (Feb. 10) – The Characteristics of Love
Week 3 (Feb. 17) – Loving: The way God wants us to.   Week 4 (Feb. 24)- The benefits of Loving God, Loving Yourself, and Loving others


TEACHER: Lady Melissa Garner
TOPIC: Recognizing the Season You’re In
SCRIPTURE: Ecclesiastes 3:1
Week 1 (Mar. 3) – Recognizing the Seasons You’re in
Week 2 (Mar. 10) – The Waiting Season
Week 3 (Mar. 17) – The Growing Season
Week 4 (Mar. 24) – The Test and Trials Season
Week 5 (Mar 31) – The Spiritual Warfare Season


TEACHER: Evangelist Franklin Mayfield
TOPIC:  Evangelism Tools for Soul Winning
SCRIPTURE:  Isaiah 52:7, Romans 10:15
Week 1: (April 7) – The Great Commission

Week 2: (April 14) – Evangelism Tools, Pt. 2
Week 3: (April 21) – The Simple Gospel
Week 4: (April 28) – Bible Study Gotchas, Watch Out, Don’t Do This, and Be Careful


TEACHER: Minister Arletia Mayfield
TOPIC: Models of Discipleship
SCRIPTURES: Hebrews 3: 12-14 NKJV – Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God;  but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.  For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end,

Week 1 (May 5) – Model of Discipleship – John the Baptist
Week 2 (May 12) – Model of Discipleship – Jesus, the Christ
Week 3 (May 19) – Model of Discipleship – Paul, the Apostle
Week 4 (May 26) – Model of Discipleship – You, Today’s Disciple


TEACHER: Lady Melissa Garner
TOPIC: Glimpses of A Spirit Filled Life
SCRIPTURE: Galatians 5:22-23
WEEK 1 (June 2) – Choose To Walk In The Spirit
WEEK 2 (June 9) – How To Love and Be Loved
WEEK 3  (June 16) – Joy Is an Inside Job
WEEK 4 – (June 23) – You Can Have Peace
WEEK 5 – (June 30) – What Does It Mean To Be Faithful?


TEACHER: Minister Ken Reid
TOPIC: Will You Answer The Call
Week 1 (Aug. 4) – Called to Labor
Week 2- (Aug. 11) – Called to Be Fruitful
Week 3- (Aug. 18) – Called to Be Humble
Week 4- (Aug. 25) – Called to be a Disciple


TEACHER: Minister Arletia Mayfield
TOPIC: The Harvest
SCRIPTURE:  2 Corinthians 9:10 NKJV – Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness,
Week 1 – (Sept. 1) The Seed

Week 2 (Sept. 8) – The Soil
Week 3 (Sept. 15) – The Nurturing
Week 4 (Sept. 22)- The Threshing
Week 5 (Sept. 29) – The Great Harvest


TEACHER:  Sister Alice Reid
TOPIC : Peace Like No Other
SCRIPTURE: John 14:27
Week 1 (Oct. 6) – What Is Peace
Week 2 (Oct. 13) – How to Experience Perfect Peace
Week 3 (Oct. 20) – Holding onto Perfect Peace
Week 3 (Oct. 27) – Telling Other How to Have Perfect Peace


TEACHER: Lady Melissa Garner
TOPIC:  The Names of Jesus
Week 1 (Nov. 3) The Power of Jesus’ Name (Celebrityship of Jesus)
Week 2 ( Nov. 10) The Power of Jesus’ Names – Immanuel
Week 3 (Nov. 17) The Power of Jesus’ Names – Alpha and Omega
Week 4 (Nov. 24) The Power of Jesus’ Names – King


TEACHER: Lady Melissa Garner
TOPIC:  The Names of Jesus
Week 1 (Dec. 3) The Power of Jesus’ Names – Alpha and Omega
Week 2 (Dec. 8) The Power of Jesus’ Names – Lamb of God